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05 April 2022

New horizons in the teaching profession

There is an opinion that the educator’s job has been losing prestige in the last decade. More and more students don’t want to continue developing in the teaching career.
New horizons in the teaching profession

The participants оf A teacher is a dream profession meeting sought to disprove this opinion. The meeting was held March 23 in the Boiling Point of Togliatti State University (TSU).

Students of the Theory and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures department at TSU Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy were invited to  the meeting with the staff from the International Educational Company WINDSOR.

At the meeting, they discussed new requirements in pedagogy and methods for enhancing educators' competitiveness. The young teachers also shared their experience of working for the company.

Students were told that a modern educator should be able to adapt quickly to the realities of the new technological world, to work with different age groups and to follow the innovations in their professional field. As the speakers pointed out, such skills can help graduates to meet the ever-changing demands of employers.

- I would like it to be possible for graduates to get a job in their profession after university. It is important to understand that the teaching profession is interesting and can be well paid. The prestige of our profession is really growing now. There are more opportunities due to the implementation of new technologies and online platforms, said Natalia Larionova, Senior Methodologist at WINDSOR International Education Company.

The leading Winsor group of teachers shared their work experience. There was Tolyatti State University graduate among the speakers, senior lecturer and professional development specialist Julia Fedoseeva. She told about her apprenticeship in Canada and the pecularities of working abroad.

– Right now, several of our students are working in WINDSOR, – said the moderator, head of the department Theory and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures Svetlana Tatarnitseva. – The company is really interested in developing students. The work there is interesting, varied, sometimes challenging, but just like any other. It is gratifying that the training level of TSU students in the fields of language and language teaching methods meets the high standards and requirements of an international company.

The meeting was rounded off with an English idioms quiz. The most active participants received souvenirs from WINDSOR.



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