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05 April 2022

Economic effect with no defects

Togliatti State University (TSU) has helped the largest enterprise OAO Volgotsemmash that produces cement and mining equipment, in fulfilling several large orders.
Economic effect with no defects

Engineers of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering (TSU) eliminated metallurgical defects on expensive products. Such work helps enterprises to save millions of rubles.

The production base of OAO Volgotsemmash has a unique infrastructure, including equipment for the foundry production of large parts. However, it is not always possible to eliminate a foundry defect at the factory, even if technological solutions are available.

The steels the company works with are complex. Even minor force may form cracks in them, and then the product will have to be sent for disposal,” explains Denis Plahotny, the senior lecturer of the Welding, Metal Deformation Process and Allied Processes department of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering at TSU. Together with a PhD candidate Alexander Bochkarev, the senior lecturer took on the task of eliminating defects in the product by surfacing. “We were given, for example, a shaft to restore the overall dimensions of bearing face.

We selected welding materials, agreed them with the specialists of Volgotsemmash and conducted mechanical tests. Having worked out the welding modes, we restored the product.”

TSU engineers carried out all the work on the territory of the plant.

We have already applied for help of Togliatti State University.

Checking the compatibility of metals and welded materials is the task of scientists, but we are practitioners,” says Dmitry Kamnev, General Director of OAO Volgotsemmash. “TSU specialists approached the work very competently: they determined the material, the metal structure and the temperature which is necessary while carrying out the process.

As a result, we saved an expensive product that the factory made to order.

Everything was done at a high professional level.

TSU specialists often carry out work on solving similar and other production tasks for various enterprises, so they have accumulated the vast experience.

At OOO Lada-Flect, they were able to get rid of the wear of the aluminum impellers blades after they began using a ceramic coating applied with the micro-arc oxidation technology developed at TSU.

This direction at the university is led by the rector Mikhail Krishtal,” said the Vice-rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities of TSU Sergey Peteraitis. "We have saved millions of rubles to OOO Elektrosoedinitel from Tatarstan.

Due to unknown inclusions on the materials, the products there, including those for the defense industry, were rejected in whole batches.

Studies conducted at TSU have shown that inclusions are harmless and do not affect the quality of products at all. Also a group of our specialists under the guidance of Sergey Zhuchenko fulfilled an order from PAO KAMAZ, having managed to weld conditionally weldable steels.

And this list can be continued.

The level of competence and the TSU material-technical base allow us to complete many tasks, including import substitution.

OAO Volgotsemmash produces equipment for the cement, mining, construction, chemical, nuclear and other industries.

Over the past 65 years, the plant has produced the main manufacturing equipment that provides 80% of cement production in Russia and CIS countries.

Products with the brand Volgotsemmash also work successfully in more than 28 countries around the world.



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